Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Thank U,Love.

WOW.I feel so good now.
Thank U.
For after so long,i feeled so much loved and appreciated now and i don't know how to thank you more.Ur the one there for me when i needed u the most and all those things which has happened to me,
words can't express how i feel right now
so......................................all i know is
I love U and i will always be there for u.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

My dad(CME project)

     Ok,to start out with,i am going to write about my dad today.He is a guy in his mid-50s and is hardworknig to earn money for the family.Even with his bad habits,he is still the kind of dad any child would want on his good days.He works as a store supervisor and is very sociable.He could easily strike a conversation with anyone and can talk for a few hours.
     Working as a store supervisor considering his age is a very dificult task to manage.He has to work very hard to carry all those heavy loads and can hardly have a rest when he is working.He usually works for more than 12 hours a day because he has to finish unloading and sorting out the goods in the warehouse because he does not have enough workers to help him out as the company refuses to recruit more workers.So all i can say is that i think he is a physically fit man.
     My dad also has alot of friends.His friends range from shop owners to even cleaners!He doesn't matter who they are as long as they are willing to talk to him and is friendly,anyone can be his friend.But,even being frendly to others and all,he hardly talks to me.The only things he talks to me about is about the games that we play and when he needs to give me advices.The advices he usually gives me last for a very long time and always leave a big difference on my life.
    Even looking like a happy man on the outside and being physically fit,he is actually suffering from heart attack in the inside.He was diagnosed with heart attack early last year and since he has never smoke again.He is on medication ever since and is watching his diet nowadays.I am always worried about his condition but what can i do?At the most,i can omly give him advices which he would ignore.
   But to summarise everthing, i would like to say that i am fortunate to have such a hardworking dad and i am really happy to have him as my dad and i hope he would cure from his sickness.