Friday, July 2, 2010

Whoaaaa.WAD A DAY!

Having someone or a group of people singing a happy birthday song for me and really mean it has been a very long tine and i didn't knew it was gonna happened anymore.But today,i gotta say thank you to Wedding,Kendrick,Kenneth and Khoi yian for embarassing me during recess time because of singing the song loudly and having everyone looking at me.But it was fun though.And throughout the whole day,Wedding couldn't stop wishing me Happy Birthday.Thank You Hone!:D:D:D:D:D:DI wasn't expecting anything from anyone but,alot of people wished me happy bitrthday and it really made my day.Then also received a card from wedding with the rest of them writing and wishing me a happy birthday.Its been so long since i had such a birthday.I would like to say Thank You to everyone who had wished me happy birthday again.And also to those who had gave me a birthday bash.-.- I could hardly breathe when they gave me the 'burger'thing(especially when amiirul and aidil came on).Like so freakin heavyyyyyyyyyy lah.hahaha.
Ended the day with a trip to Aiman with weds and we both had laksa for dinner.:D
After that sended her home and thoroughly enjoyed the day.